Thursday, May 16

Indie Review: ‘Heartless’ Terrifies with Emotional Horror

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The Shirley Jackson story “The Lottery” was one of my earliest influences as a horror writer. Icelandic filmmaker Haukur Björgvinsson draws influence from the classic tale with the 2021 piece “Heartless.”

15 Minutes on the edge of your seat

“Heartless” doesn’t waste time explaining details, and the film is better for it. We the viewer don’t know where or when the story takes place. Björgvinsson feeds us what we need to know as the story begins.

Anna (Briet Isis Elfar) and Gunnar (Johann Kristofer Stefansson) are a young couple in love. The relationship seems genuine, and the pair have a touching rapport with each other. But we know they are dealing with something awful on the horizon – literally and figuratively.

The beautiful Icelandic countryside serves as a perfect setting. It’s a small community of residents, and they have a system for sharing. A raffle performed every seven years that pairs up the community in a relationship roulette. Each is forced to accept the new partner or face banishment to the Egg – a giant and ominous monolith that floats in the skies above.

Emotional Horror at its Best

The very concept of being forced to abandon your significant other would be difficult enough. That you would have to live in the same village as you watch them be with another is pure terror. Add in the fact that you are required to personally coach the replacement on what your partner likes and doesn’t like is sheer genius.

Briet Isis Elfar and Johann Kristofer Stefansson in “Heartless”

As the lottery is commencing, we see the tides of emotion on people’s faces. Some are happy as they draw perceived upgrades. We also see the anguish in the eyes of a father separated from his daughter as a new man is selected. Same gender pairings are also a luck of the draw.

Anna and Gunnar wrestle with the idea of splitting up, or going to the Egg together, which is said to rectify selfish behavior. “Its horrible.” Anna laments in reference to the idea of seven years in the Egg. “Not as horrible as breaking up.” Gunnar replies with a look of terror. The ending is what makes the picture perfect.

“Heartless” is an amazing watch. You’ll find yourself instantly invested in the couple, and the situation they are dealing with.

April is Halfway to Halloween, and “Heartless” is a quick and enjoyable thing to wet your horror appetite.





“Heartless” can be watched on Youtube here


About Author

Matt's a writer and content creator for the site. His reviews offer insight on the art of filmmaking from the standpoint of a casual fan. Check out and follow him on Instagram and Twitter @MattDeCristo.

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