Saturday, May 18

Review: ‘Man on a Train’ Quick and Efficient Horror

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Man on a Train” is quick and efficient horror.

Directed by Jack Shanks, “Man on a Train” clocks in at four-and-a-half minutes without a single wasted second.

What I loved is the complete lack of depth or backstory. A woman (Tameka Mortimer) takes a seat on a train. It’s a mundane daily routine and no further explanation is required. She takes in the faces of her fellow passengers. Eavesdropping on a conversation between two girls and a man on a phone.

Mortimer doesn’t have a single line, and yet perfectly conveys a range of emotions. She’s a regular person and it’s a regular day. We can relate with the emotionless charge of a commuter passenger. Mortimer’s demeanor quickly adjusts as the voices of her fellow riders ominously fade away and she finds herself alone.


“Man on a Train” isn’t breaking any barriers. Its quick and simple horror that works.





“Man on a Train” is available to watch on YouTube.


About Author

Matt's a writer and content creator for the site. His reviews offer insight on the art of filmmaking from the standpoint of a casual fan. Check out and follow him on Instagram and Twitter @MattDeCristo.

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